3 research outputs found

    "Comprehensive Care" Concept in Nursing: Systematic Review.

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    Introduction. Integrated health care is a concept widely used in the planning and organisation of nursing care. It is a highly topical concept, but at the same time it is deeply rooted in the theory and models of Nursing right from its inception as a science. There is no clear, agreed definition that describes it. Objective. To systematise the knowledge available on the concept of "comprehensive care" in Nursing from the point of view of nursing care, its domains and characteristics. Methods. A literature search has been carried out in several languages (Spanish, Portuguese, English and Romanian) in the databases Web of Science, Scopus, Medline, PubMed, Cochrane and Dialnet, covering the period between 2013 and 2019. The search terms used were: comprehensive health care, health and nursing. Prospero register 170327. Results. Sixteen documents were identified, which grouped 8 countries, mainly Brazil, being the country with the highest output on this context– 10 documents were found within the qualitative paradigm and 6 quantitative ones. The concept "Comprehensive" ; is commonly used to refer to comprehensive nursing care techniques, protocols, programmes and plans, covering care in all aspects of the individual as a complement to or independent of the clinical needs arising from health care. Conclusion. The definition of features pertaining to the concept "Comprehensive Care" ; encourages the use and standardisation of nursing care plans, improving patient follow-up, the detection of new risk factors, complications and new health problems not related to the reason for admission. This increases the capacity for prevention and improves the patient’s quality of life, and their primary and/or family caregivers, which translates into lower costs in the health system.post-print871 K

    Competence in Spiritual and Emotional Care: Learning Outcomes for the Evaluation of Nursing Students.

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    Spiritual and emotional care is an important part of the person, especially in situations such as changes in health or a community coping with a pandemic. However, nurses report scarce university training in this area of care. The aim of the study is to define a catalogue of learning outcomes for spiritual and emotional care for undergraduate nurses. The design used a mixed method for the development and validation of learning outcomes. The first phase designs the catalogue of learning outcomes through a coordinating group and uses a bibliographic search and nursing legislation. The second phase validates the proposal through a group of experts, with a questionnaire using the modified Delphi technique in two rounds. The initial proposal was 75 learning outcomes, of which 17 were eliminated, 36 changed their wording and the experts proposed 7 new ones. The experts validated 65 learning outcomes: 14 for Assessment and diagnosis; 5 for Planning; 17 for Intervention; 4 for Evaluation and quality; 8 for Communication and interpersonal relationship and 17 for Knowledge and intrapersonal development. In conclusion, the academic curriculum can include these learning outcomes to help undergraduate nurses in the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and attitudes in spiritual and emotional care.post-print641 K

    Effectiveness of the educational strategy for the prevention of violence and child abuse in the Nursing Degree curriculum.

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    Objetivo: Determinar la efectividad de la estrategia educativa «libro fórum» para la prevención de la violencia y el maltrato infantil dentro del itinerario curricular del alumno de Grado de Enfermería, en la Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, durante el curso académico 2018-2019. Método: Estudio cuasiexperimental, longitudinal y prospectivo. Se realizaron dos mediciones, una previa a la intervención educativa y otra posterior. La variable dependiente fue el resultado cuantitativo posterior a esta. La variable de intervención elegida fue una estrategia educativa basada en el «libro fórum» titulado La mirada de Sara Nosly. Relatos para prevenir el maltrato infantil. Para la captación de información se realizó una base de datos en el programa SPSS v24. En el análisis inferencial se utilizó la t de Student para muestras relacionadas y ANOVA para conocer la diferencia entre grupos. Resultados: La evaluación global pretest (promedio ± desviación estándar) fue 7,82 ± 1,02; posteriormente a la intervención el promedio fue 9,16 ± 0,80. De acuerdo con el análisis estadístico, se observó una significación estadística positiva tras la intervención ([t = 14,44] p < 0,001). Conclusión: La estrategia educativa «libro fórum» es efectiva para el desarrollo de competencias sobre maltrato infantil en la formación de los alumnos, lo que favorece la prevención de este fenómeno de gran impacto social.post-print376 K